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by wolfie66d

1 Urb$ Banknote



NOT YOUR COMMON CAT N MOUSE (The cat "Blitzer" is a bat/cat chimera, and the rodent is a scientist named Jasper trapped in a gerbil's body) their relationship is somewhat problematic. Luckily Jasper wasn't the person behind the chimera cats project, unfortunately Jasper doesn't have his human body to help cure Blitzer... And Blitzers animal instincts make it hard to resist chasing and trying to eat the small scientist. Now I almost have a complete set of denominations. Only a few more to go. Who will be next? Find out next week! Have a great weekend guys. Blitzer, Jasper, Nuthark, Urbious, Urbians, Urbium and Ʉrb$ are (c) Gaz TV inc. 98 Owned and created by me Art by me

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