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by OtterTheAuthor




No eat the otter >:(

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An otter and a nutria are difference animals, they are not even in the same order. The otter is in order Carnivora. The nutria is in order Rodentia. Even if that is Spanish, it's still officially wrong according to the science.

2020-09-10 22:19 UTC

woops sorry :(

2020-09-13 17:29 UTC


Re: OtterTheAuthor It's ok. It's not a knock against you it's a knock against spanish.

2020-09-15 03:34 UTC


Hahahahaha, I can totally see it Happening, as a Spanish Speaking guy, Poor Jon, But Damian is right, He is cute when he's stupid

2020-08-31 08:34 UTC


No even suggested eating the otter.

2020-08-30 20:59 UTC

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