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by yoshka

Who wanted Danny





Tai Tankamaru

hello im shota kid and i'm 41 and I'm from new orleans



Hello, welcome and goodbye 



I might not post more of my work here. Too many people here who use paywalls. I'll be on pixiv. I also stream nightly at 8 PM pst on https://twitch.tv/imagoth2009   I just recently accepted commissions: Sketch: $10 Ink: $15 Base Color: $20 Full Cel Shading: $30 Full Digital Painting: $40   I'm not the best at backgrounds, but can do some simple things. I can also do color commissions. Have a piece of art that was drawn by someone or you have another artists permission? I can color it for the base color, or full color price! -Make sure you have either a .png with transparancies so I have clean lines to work with, or a .psd (or other art program file that has layers intact). -If I have to recreate the line work from scratch an additional $5 or $10 will be added on top depending on complexity. The only requirement is to pay half up front for work to begin and after your approval along the way with the work I will ask for final payment upon completion. I will not do scat, piss, vomit.