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by Forbiddenfeast

Forbidden Feast Comic #2: Scorned Love

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Forbidden Feast presents "Scorned Love" edition, with tales of unrequited love with horrific, yet delicious results. Visit http://forbiddenfeast.com/forbidden-feast-magazine-2/ for details on this comic. Forbidden Feast呈现“Scorned Love”版本,带有单相思的故事,带有可怕但美味的结果。 有关此漫画的详细信息,请访问http://forbiddenfeast.com/forbidden-feast-magazine-2/。

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Is there a story specifically about the chick in the cover page? Honestly I subscribed to this comic mostly because I thought she is in one of the stories, lol.

2020-03-20 02:56 UTC

Oh, I'm sorry you were expecting more. That's a one off drawing and I didn't draw a comic on her. It's just something that looked nice as a cover. Maybe one day I'll do a comic of her but as of right now, there are no plans yet.

2020-03-20 04:53 UTC



2019-07-26 14:38 UTC

Again, thank you.

2019-07-26 21:33 UTC


Very good!! Thank you

2019-07-26 14:37 UTC

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