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by Thanatos

The Colossaphant



When confronted by a giant monster eating your best friend, it would be pertinent to not stand there gawping, for now Alex had a tentacle wrapped around his leg pulling him towards the same fait as Riley.

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yeah id stay more away xD

2021-08-21 13:02 UTC


Wow, great work! I love the detail of seeing the boy's head inside the mouth. Is the creature's entire body semitransparent like that? Would love to still see the boys all the way inside its stomach, their naked little bodies slowly and painfully digested alive. So cute.

2021-08-19 15:18 UTC


That's why you always stay close enough to watch but far away to not get involved. Although I guess it's one of those rules that, if you fail to learn, you will never get to apply later in life.

2021-08-19 11:16 UTC

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