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by Forbiddenfeast

Forbidden Feast Comic #6: Carne Asada

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Forbidden Feast Issue #6: Carne Asada is here with a story that was once featured at the Gourmet Club, but now with new and improved artwork, tighter writing in a professional style comic page layout. The contents of the story include 34 artworks in 8-pages and four new stand-alone bonus artworks including the cover image unedited and whole. Here's a preview of what you can find inside: Carne Asada (34 images, 8 pages, 4 bonus stand-alone artworks, full color) A two-faced drug runner finds out that his girlfriend is the focus of a cartel boss who has a unique method of punishment to keep his subordinates in line. Unfortunately for the poor girl, this measure means an end most foul and 'delicious' for her, and a lesson to her boyfriend to never cross Carlos "Anibal the Hannibal" Zepeda.

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