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by Forbiddenfeast

Forbidden Feast Archive 1: Black & White

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This is a gallery for those who are new to my work. There are 38 classic black & white pen & pencil painstakingly drawn artworks from my earliest period for those who like the classic look which have been rotated out of the current site a while back. Butchered meat, piggies on platters, aliens, monsters and a variety of scenes of a dark and gynophagic nature. Note, for those who already know my work, you will see some similar pieces. Be warned, these artworks are designed to titillate the dark culinary senses of the human mind. Be warned! 对于那些不熟悉我工作的人来说,这是一个画廊。 我最早期间有38件经典的黑白钢笔和铅笔精心绘制的艺术品,适合那些喜欢经典外观的人,这些经典外观已经被旋转出现在的网站。 屠宰肉,放在盘子上的小猪,外星人,怪物以及各种黑暗和食欲恶魔的场景。 请注意,对于那些已经了解我的工作的人,您会看到一些相似的部分。 请注意,这些艺术品旨在激发人类心灵的黑暗烹饪感官。 被警告!

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2019-07-26 14:40 UTC

Thank you!

2019-07-26 21:32 UTC



2019-07-26 01:44 UTC

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