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by Aut_Autumn

Happy Houndloween

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Yep, Houndloween. That's not misspelling. XP There's a lot of people asked me if there is anymore The dog and his boy. So, here there are. Well, I long to do Halloween set for a while. XD Hiccears Exclusive - Uncensored version of the 2ndpage - cleare view of each pics in the 2nd page - 1 extra image in 4 variants

Comments 9

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Finally i bought something here :3

2020-01-28 07:47 UTC


This dog is a Shota killer.XD

2019-03-31 19:12 UTC


bought it need more sequel for this series too great for doggy x shota theme

2018-11-03 15:52 UTC

Thank you! There will be. People love them far more than I thought. XD

2018-11-04 05:24 UTC


happy Helloween to you all

2018-10-28 12:00 UTC

Happy Howloween to you too.

2018-10-28 15:25 UTC


祈愿漫画 : )

2018-10-22 19:50 UTC


that's seriously cute

2018-10-20 20:42 UTC

Thank you ^^

2018-10-20 21:21 UTC

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