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by blublush




Lily is from Eastern Europe. She comes from a rich family and she enjoys dressing like a doll. As you can see she likes having blue hair. Money doesn't make life great for her. Her parents are fighting all the time and she's sad most of the time. She doesn't want to grow up. Maybe that's why she dresses like that. She still plays with dolls and looks at photos of her with her parents from when they were happy. She's decided to leave home but she's obviously afraid and the streets are a tough place for a little cutie.

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I would certainly try to protect her!

2016-09-04 03:02 UTC

dude doe

I like her design! So cute~

2016-08-29 10:49 UTC

Aw thank you! :3

2016-08-29 19:55 UTC

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