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by Billabo

Little Fey Prince



I could have sworn I uploaded this already... Oh well, here it is now! Cute little de-aged half-goblin prince (one of Parakolouth's characters).

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Looks almost like an elf.

2019-04-11 14:26 UTC

Haha, yes, but don't say that to him in person or you're in for a bad time!

2019-04-11 14:35 UTC


Re: Billabo He's a bit feisty?

2019-04-12 04:48 UTC

To give an idea of his personality, he enslaved both his half brothers and his half sister, and forced that half sister to have sex with anyone who wants and even bear their children. Of course, his half siblings did a *bit* more than call him something he didn't want to be called.

2019-04-12 12:22 UTC


Re: Billabo Did they take the prize from his cereal box?

2019-04-12 13:57 UTC

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