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by Todd

My boys



Drawn my boys in school, tried my hand at designing uniforms for them hope everybody would like it

Comments 14

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They look nice, are all these boys going to end up naked together? XD

2019-02-19 05:31 UTC

lol they already had their mostly boys that I've drawn once or twice already they should be in my gallery, but still thanks for liking them ^^

2019-02-19 05:33 UTC


Re: Todd No problem but I meant all of them together and naked like this.

2019-02-19 05:42 UTC

Oh, lol I'll probably do it, but maybe on a different scene

2019-02-19 05:48 UTC


Re: Todd Okay, good luck. Can't wait to see it.

2019-02-19 05:49 UTC

thanks ^^

2019-02-19 06:00 UTC


Re: Todd No problem. ^^

2019-02-19 06:06 UTC


super cute drawing hope you plan on posting more of them

2019-02-19 04:44 UTC

thank you for liking it, I'll try to draw them more as much as I can ^^

2019-02-19 05:26 UTC


Re: Todd if you ever draw more of them would love to see them in T-shirts and briefs if its possible?

2019-02-19 13:03 UTC

that would probably depend on the scene or situation I put them in, thanks for the suggestion ^^

2019-02-19 16:45 UTC


Re: Todd your welcome the scene that could be mention thats just an idea will leave it up to you they have to change for gym class

2019-02-19 16:57 UTC

thanks for the suggestion!

2019-02-19 17:19 UTC


Re: Todd your welcome

2019-02-19 17:54 UTC

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