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by Billabo

"She was a punk..."



Can you guess what the next image will be? Tune in next week* to find out! *estimated; actual completion time may differ

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A pity that she seems to be in a very precarious situation in Furry Fantasy. (Also, her boyfriend's dad is a Grade A asshole)

2018-02-25 21:31 UTC

Very true, on both accounts. I'm glad you're keeping up with that, and hopefully enjoying it! Aoi is working on the last "sketched" page of chapter 3 right this minute, and then there are a few colored end pages to wrap it up. :)

2018-02-25 22:34 UTC


Re: Billabo I'm actually quite impressed that you've managed to keep it going. I remember my ill-fated attempts at getting a comic done by Aoi (horribly underestimated the time and money it would take ^^; )

2018-02-26 01:01 UTC

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