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by OtterTheAuthor

Aquaboy and Superboy Swimming



I can’t seem to get enough of my own OC lmaaao. Here’s Aquaboy and Superboy swimming Get this desktop background for FREE here https://www.patreon.com/posts/26638359

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Owww soooooo cute UwU

2019-05-09 22:58 UTC

swimming boisss

2019-05-10 07:26 UTC


Oh he's your OC? I spent a good deal of time scouring wikis trying to find him XD. He's very cute and I would love to see more of him.

2019-05-06 21:12 UTC

somewhat my OC i guess lmao. There is an Arthur Curry Jr from the animated TV show Justice League (Unlimited maybe) and also from the comic, but most depiction of him doesn't survive infancy cause he died. I just revived him and imagined if he wasn't killed off

2019-05-06 23:24 UTC


I like him, Jon needed a more happy friend, Dami too, three happy bois

2019-05-06 13:14 UTC

the happier the merrier :3

2019-05-06 13:39 UTC

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