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by OtterTheAuthor

Patreon July 2019 Reward



No anime is complete without laying on the grass picture! Also it’s the adorable debut of a singing Connor Lance-Queen, son of Green Arrow and Black Canary in the Injustice universe :D Get this background here! https://www.patreon.com/posts/28124293

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Cute! DC boys 4 life YO! -D

2019-07-04 20:26 UTC

it's the only thing we need to thrive

2019-07-06 03:49 UTC


Very cute, and never knew about Connor before! I wish it were easier to actually read comics... there's various ones I keep learning about I'd like to look into but it's just so awkward. Especially since I'm more a Marvel guy.

2019-07-04 09:22 UTC

the baby steps are always the hardest. Don't worry, it's definitely easier to be a marvel guy, their movies are consistent and is contained within a single universe, very easy indeed.

2019-07-04 13:17 UTC

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