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by NPC_Burner

Cat & Mouse Page 5



Dense on a Saturday!? Must be someone's birthday. Well, odds are it is and if it's your, A Happy Birthday to ya and I hope you're enjoying the comic. And one more thing. . . BREWED BEVERAGES!! http://ko-fi.com/ididntstarthtefire There were a couple of people who liked Dense enough they wanted to help production, so instead of making a patreon, and saving myself the trouble of going around asking people if they want to help out when it's time to pay the bill, I decided to make this(and yes I got this idea after seeing crazedg's journal) 100% of proceeds go to the artist. I kid you not, even if by some whacked out miracle I end up with $500 dollars from this, it'll still end up in the pockets of my artist.

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