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by NPC_Burner

Cat & Mouse Page 7



And so our little misadventure comes to an end, but fret not ladies and germs, there's a bonus page commissioned by a fan to be released next week. Then after that, I'll be going through my backlog of pictures until work begins on the next comic. Hope you all enjoyed ^_^ If you want to support production(in a way other than suggesting new artist to commission or just leaving comments) consider purchasing a nice brewed beverage https://ko-fi.com/ididntstartthefire . 100% of proceeds go to the artist, I just get by on a cup of cream and sugar.

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lol. i wonder when they'll TF into a cat/mouse or am i just dreaming too much? XD

2017-04-25 11:54 UTC

Dreams do come true, but that one won't for a while.

2017-04-25 23:41 UTC


Re: NPC_Burner cool! hope they hav a good tail tf! XD

2017-04-26 13:52 UTC

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