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by Xienoan

Tumelo Portrait



Gift for my friend Tumelo. I felt inspired when I saw a boy on the street with the same round shades as Tumelo has on in one of his pictures.Aslo you can notice new adorable signature - it's a gift from friend Maverick Skye thank you very much :>

Comments 7

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I keep coming back to this and just lookin' at it. It makes me smile~ Thank you so much again, Xienoan. :3

2017-06-26 07:44 UTC

Re: SeethingCheetah I am really happy to hear that, thank you

2017-06-26 12:13 UTC


I hope this didn't cost an arm to make... ... I'll see myself out

2017-06-05 03:43 UTC

Re: Azin Yes :D Doesn't matter if you miss a hand or something else while you can love and be loved

2017-06-06 02:26 UTC



2017-06-04 15:45 UTC

Re: yannou.be51621 Thank you :3

2017-06-06 02:26 UTC


Re: Xienoan ^_^

2017-06-06 04:40 UTC

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