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by wolfie66d

Final Fanfiction X2- Emily Mascot Outfit



"Gaz... what does this have to do with Final Fantasy X2?"You know there's the part where Yuna dresses up in a moogle suit and goes around giving out Balloons to the kids and later you can win it as a dress sphere to use in battle?Figured that since Emily was dressed as Yuna yesterday that she'd wear a Merkip mascot suit as she's magically blessed with luck of the sea (from her Merkip enconter here...) and Moogles don't exist on Emily's planet so a Merkip suit would make sense to me. Extending the Final Fantasy Dress Spheres thing for filler art until morte work comes up.Comic to come tomorrow.Take care little loves.Emily, Urb and Merkips are (c) Gaz TV inc. 98Owned and created by me

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