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by OtterTheAuthor

Gotham By Gaslight - Robins



Dickie, Jason, and Lil’ Tim Somebody help Timmy pls he’s so tiny :’0 https://www.patreon.com/OtterTheAuthor

Comments 3

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My god, i just love your work, so clean, soft, pure and innocent.

2018-01-25 09:44 UTC

Thanks a lot fam! I've been losing a bit of confidence lately but I'm glad there are still people that likes my work :)

2018-01-26 00:07 UTC


Re: OtterTheAuthor That happens a lot in this ordeals, but you have a gift, maybe what ypu need is a rest? A tine to put everything together and see what YOU want. Because oh lord lucifer, jesus, spaghetti etc, your art is fantastic.

2018-02-02 11:23 UTC

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