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by OtterTheAuthor

Look Up, Damian



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https://www.dccomics.com/comics/deathstroke-2016/deathstroke-30 Bruce isn't his biological dad anyway.

2018-02-17 09:52 UTC


I see what you did there xD jajajajajajaja vood one

2018-02-16 23:36 UTC


2018-02-17 05:48 UTC


Re: OtterTheAuthor Quite the Interesting Fact, something that my friends keep botherig me. My name is Damian xD so they keep joking that my dad is Batman xD

2018-02-17 08:52 UTC

it's ok. having batman as your dad is still better than deathstroke

2018-02-18 06:35 UTC

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