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by Furfit

Toot toot



It was my boy's birthday yesterday, so here's a pic of him tootin his flute to celebrate. Support me on patreon for more goodies: https://www.patreon.com/Furfitwastaken

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Garth is by far the hottest of your boys, IMO. Only recently did I found out he was a wizard and a werewolf as well. One moment you're fucking this boy and the next he's the one pinning you, biting down your neck, and furiously fucking your lights out. He will send you home with tears running down your cheeks and seed running down your inner thighs.

2018-03-02 23:48 UTC

Re: eggmancorp Haha thank you! Glad ya like him :P

2018-03-03 23:09 UTC

Sneezy Boi

Ahhhh, what a cutie! Happy birthday to him

2018-03-02 00:28 UTC

Re: Sneezy Pepper Thank you! :D

2018-03-02 03:22 UTC

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