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by OtterTheAuthor

the cheating scum



the cheating scum.. I have really weird headcanon and they manifest into shitposts https://www.patreon.com/OtterTheAuthor

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Re: OtterTheAuthor Super sons #15! Just read it lol

2020-02-15 17:25 UTC


Is that a ffxv reference?

2019-02-11 15:15 UTC

i didn't even think of that lmao. Unfortunately it's not, it's from a comic issue where Jon said that if he ever gets married, he wanna get married to noodles cause he loves em.

2019-02-12 05:15 UTC


lol. I know it's not the focus of the pic but you did a cool job here with Damian's bod. -D

2019-02-11 05:56 UTC

:D thank you! I enjoyed drawing em >:3c

2019-02-12 05:15 UTC


We do too! Have you seen our version of Damian? -D

2019-02-12 05:36 UTC

yes i have. i was just browsing through ur gallery and saw the dami pic and went "hey ive seen this pic before!". very mature of Damian btw

2019-02-12 05:44 UTC


Haha! Thanks. It's really cool to hear feedback from another good artist like you :D -D

2019-02-12 05:46 UTC

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