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by Forbiddenfeast

Forbidden Feast Archive 2: Color

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This is a gallery for those who are both new to my artwork and those who have seen them and would like to see an updated colored version of these. There are 33 artworks with improved coloring of older pieces. More butchered, vixens on platters, man-eating monsters, demons and a variety of scenes of a dark and cannibalistic nature. Again, these are artworks designed to titillate the dark part of your minds, so be warned. 这是一个画廊,适合那些对我的艺术作品都不熟悉的人以及那些看过它们的人,并希望看到这些作品的更新彩色版本。 有33件艺术品改进了旧件的着色。 更多的屠杀,拼盘上的vixens,吃人的怪物,恶魔以及各种黑暗和同类相食的场景。

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