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by wolfie66d

Pinup For Burger Betty



HI GUYS! SOME ART FOR ONE OF MY FANS/PATREONs@BurgerBettyBlue commissioned me for a full body portrait of herself.She posts nudes on her blog so Obviously I had to draw he with "Alternative" Outfits.[url=https://cdn012.bdsmlr.com/uploads/photos/2020/05/742920/bdsmlr-742920-I9D3M7aAL1-og.png]UNDERWEAR ONLY![/url][url=https://cdn012.bdsmlr.com/uploads/photos/2020/05/742920/bdsmlr-742920-txWj05eBqE.png]TOTALLY NAKED![/url]Art by me @Wolfie66DBetty (c) Herself

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