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作者 wolfie66d

100 Urb$ Banknote



CONTINUING THE MONEY THEMEOdin Grimm, (as he appears in my canon) is on the Ʉ100 Ʉrb$ denomination.I figured it should be red, (a black note would be illegible, but his eyes have a red glow so I went with that) and I had to squish the font so the Nuthark spelling of One Hundred Urbiums fit between the two hundreds. Plus I had to totally make a Scythe for the foil part.Hope it looks cool.Anyway please enjoy the banknote I'm so freakin tired, and I have to house sit for one of my students Parents who're gonna be away for the next 3 weeks and I'm taking care of their kitten, it's cool. But I won't have too much time to get online, I'll upload when I can.Odin Grimm, Nuthark, Urbious, Urbians, Urbium and Ʉrb$ are (c) Gaz TV inc. 98Owned and created by meArt by me

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