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作者 NPC_Burner

Q&A Brittany(+TMI)



It’s Tuesday again boys and girls, and you know what that means. It’s time for another Dense Q&A + TMI! This week's subject is young Miss Quinn, or as you all know her, Brittany.Now I’ll briefly go over details I forgot to last week. The TMI is open for the entire week, so you have from Tuesday to Tuesday to ask questions of the week’s subject. Also, unless the questions are directed to me(for whatever reason) the question will be answered by the weeks subject. And, that’s all I missed. Right to not answer is still reserved. &

コメント 2



Brittany: It isn’t a matter of “if” they’re hiding something Mr. Slayer, but “what”. It’s in human nature to have skeletons tucked away in our closets, or as victorian detective extraordinaire Lady Hemlock said, “Dogs hide bones, Squirrels hide nuts, man hides their flaws. All vital to the person hiding them, but not always relevant.” As for the matter of tip-offs, it all comes down to intuition and deductive reasoning to decipher what secrets are worth looking into. I thank you for your question Mr. Slayer.

2018-02-05 17:41 UTC

Fairy Slayer

Re: NPC_Burner Thank you kindly for your answer. Also, this Lady Hemlock you mentioned sounds quite intriguing, for subtlety as well as for her wisdom.

2018-02-08 09:17 UTC

