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作者 NPC_Burner

Q&A Catherine(+TMI)



Tuesday has come, and with it, a new Q&A+TMI. This week we have Catherine. You guys know the drill if you have questions ask. As a reminder, unless addressed to me, the question will be answered in character by Catherine, and I still reserve the right to not answer certain questions That’s all, but I’ll sign off by leaving my ko-fi cup:

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Not going to lie you comments are among some of my favorites. Even when you were just talking about Cat’s but it’s nice to get to know how others see my characters and long comments like these supply plenty of that. Catherine: Nice to meetcha SithSlayer. As for your question, I can’t say much more then, I’m trying to build a better mousetrap. Thanks for the question.

2018-02-18 21:09 UTC


Hey, Catherine, what kind of underwear do you wear, if any? (And what does your butt look like in them?)

2018-02-15 23:00 UTC


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